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Main St. Roswell NM 88201 (575) 623-3310 Calico Cow Calico Cow 311 N Main St Roswell NM 88201 (575) 623-8647 Cal's Convenience, Inc. bda. STRIPES Cal's Convenience, Inc. bda. STRIPES P.O. Box 9036 Corpus Christi TX 78469 (972) 616-4899 Candlewood Suites Candlewood Suites 4 Military Heights Dr Roswell NM 88201 (575) 623-4300 Captain Jim's Captain Jim's 108 W 8th St Roswell NM 88201 (575) 578-2426 Carr, Riggs, & Ingram, LLC Carr, Riggs, & Ingram, LLC 400 N Pennsylvania Ave Suite 800 Roswell NM 88201 (575) 622-4667 Carrizozo Chamber of Commerce Carrizozo Chamber of Commerce PO Box 567 Carrizozo NM 88220 (575) 648-2732 Cattle Baron Restaurants Inc. Cattle Baron Restaurants Inc. 901 A S Main St Roswell NM 88203 (575) 622-3311 Central Valley Electric Cooperative I... Central Valley Electric Cooperative Inc. 1403 N 13th St Artesia NM 88211 575-746-3571 Century 21 Home Planning Century 21 Home Planning 400 W 2nd St Roswell NM 88201 (575) 622-0021 Cerritos Mexican Kitchen Cerritos Mexican Kitchen 2103 N Main St Roswell NM 88201 (575) 622-4919 Chance Materials Chance Materials 3107 W Brasher Rd Roswell NM 88203 (575) 363-3240 Character Counts! in Chaves County Character Counts! in Chaves County P.O. Box 999 Roswell NM 88202 (575) 626-4495 Chaves County Chaves County P.O. Box 1817 Roswell NM 88202 (575) 624-6600 Chaves County CASA Chaves County CASA P.O. Box 2131 Roswell NM 88202 (575) 625-0112 Chaves County EDC Chaves County EDC 220 N Main St Roswell NM 88201 (575) 622-1975 Chaves County Extension Chaves County Extension 200 E. Chisum St. Suite 4 Roswell NM 88203 (575) 622-3210 Chaves County Farm & Livestock Bureau Chaves County Farm & Livestock Bureau PO Box 177 Lake Arthur NM 88253 (575) 365-6210 Chaves County School Empl Credit Unio... Chaves County School Empl Credit Union 1401 N Lea Ave Roswell NM 88201 (575) 623-5444 Chaves County Sheriff Department Chaves County Sheriff Department 1 St Mary's Pl Roswell NM 88203 Chaves County Veterans Chaves County Veterans PO Box 4666 Roswell NM 88202-4666 (575) 937-1280 Chero’s Boots LLC Chero’s Boots LLC 501 S Main Street Roswell NM 88203 (575) 755-2668 Church on the Move Church on the Move 901 W Brasher Rd Roswell NM 88203 (575) 622-7011 Cimarron Chamber of Commerce Cimarron Chamber of Commerce PO Box 604 Cimarron NM 87714 (505) 376-2417 City of Roswell City of Roswell Drawer 1838 Roswell NM 88202 (575) 637-6200 City of Roswell City of Roswell PO Box 1838 Roswell NM 88202 (575) 624-6700 Clarion Inn and Suites Sally Port Clarion Inn and Suites Sally Port 2000 N Main St Roswell NM 88201 (575) 291-7000 Clayton Chamber of Commerce Clayton Chamber of Commerce PO Box 476 Clayton NM 88415 (505) 374-9253 Cloudcroft Chamber of Commerce Cloudcroft Chamber of Commerce PO Box 1291 Cloudcroft NM 88317 (575) 682-2733 Clovis Chamber of Commerce Clovis Chamber of Commerce 105 E Grand Ave Clovis NM 88101 (575) 763-3435 Clovis Sign Service, Inc. Clovis Sign Service, Inc. 1312 E 1st St Clovis NM 88102 (575) 763-5623 CMG Financial CMG Financial 110 W College Blvd Suite B Roswell NM 88203 (575) 208-2399 Coca Cola Bottling Company of Roswell Coca Cola Bottling Company of Roswell 3104 S Main St Roswell NM 88203 (575) 622-2943 Coll Bros Law, LLC Coll Bros Law, LLC 408 W College Blvd Roswell NM 88201 (575) 623-2288 Columbus Chamber of Commerce Columbus Chamber of Commerce 401 E Jesus Carreon Ave Columbus NM 88029 (575) 343-0147 Comfort Keepers Comfort Keepers 1410 S Main St Roswell NM 88203 (575) 624-9999 Comfort Suites Comfort Suites 3610 North Main Street Roswell NM 88201 (575) 623-5501 Community Foundation of Southern NM Community Foundation of Southern NM 2640 El Paseo Rd. Las Cruces NM 88001 (575) 521-4794 Community Homecare Community Homecare 401 W College Blvd Roswell NM 88201 (575) 623-6614 Comparion Insurance Agency A Liberty... Comparion Insurance Agency A Liberty Mutual Company 4041 Jefferson Plaza NE Roswell NM 88201 (505) 355-4829 Constructors Inc. Constructors Inc. 3003 S Boyd Dr Carlsbad NM 88220 (575) 234-2837 CorrHealth CorrHealth Roswell NM 88201 (970) 778-5210 Country Club Dental Country Club Dental 317 W Country Club Rd Roswell NM 88201 (575) 624-0636 Covenant Health Care Covenant Health Care 402 W Country Club Rd Roswell NM 88201 (575) 637-7000 Crispin Mobile Service and Small Engi... Crispin Mobile Service and Small Engine Repair 4505 N Michigan Ave Roswell NM 88201 (575) 306-3721 CRM Discount Awards & Sports CRM Discount Awards & Sports 909 W. 2nd Roswell NM 88201 (575) 622-7130 CS Designs CS Designs 318 N Maini Roswell NM 88201 (575) 366-2288 CSM Rentals, LLC CSM Rentals, LLC 8 Granite Circle Roswell NM 88201 (575) 626-4666